Existence of a strange functionA discontinuous constructionChoice function on the countable subsets of the...
Existence of a strange function A discontinuous constructionChoice function on the countable subsets of the realsMöbius Transform of a Continuous Possibility FunctionProduct of sigma-subadditive functionsKolmogorov doesn't show existence of Dirichlet process for arbitrary measurable spaces. Why?Forcing as a replacement of induction and diagonal argumentsCan the integral of a “generic” bounded measurable function be determined by its values on the rationals?Existence of a Borel measurable function below any positive functionExistence of a specific mad familyDo the Lebesgue-null sets cover “all the sets can naturally be regarded as sort-of-null sets”?A representation of $F_{sigmadelta}$-ideals?
Inspired by A discontinuous construction: Does there exist a function $a colon [0,1] to (0,infty)$ ...