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Allow console draw poker game to output more hands

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Allow console draw poker game to output more hands

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I'm an absolute python beginner.

I created a draw poker game that works fine up to about ten thousand hands, at which point it starts to freeze and not generate the hands. Given that straight flushes only generate about once per 70 thousand hands (it may be more common bc my program uses multiple decks for the many hands) and royal flushes once per >600k, I'd like to be able to generate more hands. Is there something in my code that's taking up tons of memory or slowing the process down?

Here's my current code:

import copy
import distutils.core
from random import randint
from math import floor

#Individual Cards
class Card:
def __init__ (self,value,suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit
self.vname = ''
self.sname = ''

def valname(self, value):
if self.value == 2:
self.vname = 'Two'
return 'Two'
if self.value == 3:
self.vname = 'Three'
return 'Three'
if self.value == 4:
self.vname = 'Four'
if self.value == 5:
self.vname = 'Five'
if self.value == 6:
self.vname = 'Six'
if self.value == 7:
self.vname = 'Seven'
if self.value == 8:
self.vname = 'Eight'
if self.value == 9:
self.vname = 'Nine'
if self.value == 10:
self.vname = 'Ten'
if self.value == 11:
self.vname = 'Jack'
if self.value == 12:
self.vname = 'Queen'
if self.value == 13:
self.vname = 'King'
if self.value == 14:
self.vname = 'Ace'

def suitname(self, suit):
if self.suit == "hearts":
self.sname = '♥'
return '♥'
if self.suit == "spades":
self.sname = '♠'
return '♠'
if self.suit == "clubs":
self.sname = '♣'
return '♣'
if self.suit == "diamonds":
self.sname = '♦'
return '♦'

def cardname(self):
return f'{self.sname}{self.vname}{self.sname}'

#All Decks
class Deck:
def __init__(self): = []

def create(self):
for d in range(decks):
for suit in ["hearts", "spades", "clubs", "diamonds"]:
for val in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]:,suit)); d+=1

def shuffle(self):
for _ in range(26):
for index in range(len(,-1,-1):
rindex = randint(0, index)[index],[rindex] =[rindex],[index]

def draw(self):
c1 =
c2 =
c3 =
c4 =
c5 =
return [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]

def ss():
if show_strength: print(f'[{round(strength/10000,6)}]')

#Evaluation Functions
def evalname(x):
if x == 2:
return 'Two'
if x == 3:
return 'Three'
if x == 4:
return 'Four'
if x == 5:
return 'Five'
if x == 6:
return 'Six'
if x == 7:
return 'Seven'
if x == 8:
return 'Eight'
if x == 9:
return 'Nine'
if x == 10:
return 'Ten'
if x == 11:
return 'Jack'
if x == 12:
return 'Queen'
if x == 13:
return 'King'
if x == 14:
return 'Ace'

def hcard(hand):
global strength
strength = 1000 + 10*vsort[0] + vsort[1] + .1*vsort[2] + .01*vsort[3] + .001*vsort[4]
return f'High-Card {evalname(vsort[0])}'

def numpair(hand):
global strength
pairs = list(dict.fromkeys([val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]))
if len(pairs) < 1:
return False
if len(pairs) == 1:
vp = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
strength = 2000 + 10*pairs[0] + vp[0] + .1*vp[1] + .01*vp[2];
return f'Pair of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
if len(pairs) == 2:
vps = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
vps.remove(pairs[0]); vps.remove(pairs[1])
if pairs[0]>pairs[1]:
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[0]) + int(pairs[1])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[0])}s and {evalname(pairs[1])}s'
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[1]) + int(pairs[0])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[1])}s and {evalname(pairs[0])}s'

def detset(hand):
global strength
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if len(detsets) < 1:
return False
vs = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(3):
strength = 4000 + 10*detsets[0] + vs[0] + .1*vs[1]
return f'Set of {evalname(detsets[0])}s'

def straight(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False:
strength = 4999 + min(vset)
straight = f'Straight from {evalname(min(vset))} to {evalname(max(vset))}'
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
strength = 5000
straight = 'Straight from Ace to Five'
straight = False
return straight

def flush(hand):
global strength
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 5:
flush = False
strength = 6000 + 10*values[0] + values[1] + .1*values[2] + .01*values[3] + .001*values[4]
flush = f'{evalname(max(values))}-High flush of {flushes[0]}'
return flush

def fullhouse(hand):
global strength
pairs = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if detset(hand) != False and numpair(hand) != False:
strength = 7000 + 10*detsets[0] + pairs[0]
fh = f'{evalname(detsets[0])}s full of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
fh = False
return fh

def quads(hand):
global strength
quads = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 4]
if len(quads) < 1:
return False
vq = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(4):
strength = 8000 + 10*quads[0] + vq[0]
return f'Quad {evalname(quads[0])}s'

def straightflush(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False and vset != {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "True"
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
straight = 'Wheel'
elif vset == {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "Royal"
straight = 'False'

flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 1:
flush = False
flush = True

if straight == "True" and flush == True:
strength = 8999 + min(vset)
sf = f'{evalname(max(values))}-high straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Wheel" and flush == True:
strength = 9000
sf = f'Five-High straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Royal" and flush == True:
strength = 10000
sf = f'Royal flush of {flushes[0]}'
sf = False
return sf

#Count Hand Occurence
hand_occurence = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
ho_names = ['High Card: ','Pair: ','Two-Pair: ','Three of a Kind: ','Straight: ','Flush: ','Full House: ','Four of a Kind: ','Straight Flush: ','Royal Flush: ']

decks = int(input("How many decks are there? "))
deck = Deck(); deck.shuffle()

hnumber = int(input(f"How many players are there (max {floor((decks*52)/5)})? "))
show_strength = distutils.util.strtobool(input("Would you like to show advanced stats? "))
h_inc = 0; h_strength = {}

while h_inc < hnumber:
print(f"nPlayer {h_inc + 1}'s hand:")
c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 = deck.draw(); hand = c1,c2,c3,c4,c5
values = [hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value]; vset = {hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value}; vsort = sorted(values,reverse=True)
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
c1.valname(c1.value); c2.valname(c2.value); c3.valname(c3.value); c4.valname(c4.value); c5.valname(c5.value);
c1.suitname(c1.suit); c2.suitname(c2.suit); c3.suitname(c3.suit); c4.suitname(c4.suit); c5.suitname(c5.suit);
print(f'| {c1.cardname()} | {c2.cardname()} | {c3.cardname()} | {c4.cardname()} | {c5.cardname()} |')

hcard(hand); numpair(hand); detset(hand); straight(hand); flush(hand); fullhouse(hand); quads(hand); straightflush(hand)
if strength < 2000:
print(hcard(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 3000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 4000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 5000:
print(detset(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 6000:
print(straight(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 7000:
print(flush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 8000:
print(fullhouse(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 9000:
print(quads(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength == 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()

h_strength[h_inc] = strength

h_inc += 1

hss = sorted(h_strength.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
print(f'nnnPlayer {hss[0][0]+1} has the strongest hand! [{round(hss[0][1]/10000,6)}]nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0] + 1} has the weakest hand :( [{round(hss[hnumber-1][1]/10000,6)}]') if show_strength else print(f'nPlayer {hss[0][0] + 1} has the strongest hand!nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0]+1} has the weakest hand :(')
if show_strength:

print('nnnnnHand Occurence:n')
for x in range(10):

print('nnnnnFull Player Ranking:n')
for x in range(len(hss)):
print(f'{x+1}.',f'Player {hss[x][0]+1}',f'[{round(hss[x][1]/10000,6)}]')

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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
    – zach274
    2 hours ago



I'm an absolute python beginner.

I created a draw poker game that works fine up to about ten thousand hands, at which point it starts to freeze and not generate the hands. Given that straight flushes only generate about once per 70 thousand hands (it may be more common bc my program uses multiple decks for the many hands) and royal flushes once per >600k, I'd like to be able to generate more hands. Is there something in my code that's taking up tons of memory or slowing the process down?

Here's my current code:

import copy
import distutils.core
from random import randint
from math import floor

#Individual Cards
class Card:
def __init__ (self,value,suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit
self.vname = ''
self.sname = ''

def valname(self, value):
if self.value == 2:
self.vname = 'Two'
return 'Two'
if self.value == 3:
self.vname = 'Three'
return 'Three'
if self.value == 4:
self.vname = 'Four'
if self.value == 5:
self.vname = 'Five'
if self.value == 6:
self.vname = 'Six'
if self.value == 7:
self.vname = 'Seven'
if self.value == 8:
self.vname = 'Eight'
if self.value == 9:
self.vname = 'Nine'
if self.value == 10:
self.vname = 'Ten'
if self.value == 11:
self.vname = 'Jack'
if self.value == 12:
self.vname = 'Queen'
if self.value == 13:
self.vname = 'King'
if self.value == 14:
self.vname = 'Ace'

def suitname(self, suit):
if self.suit == "hearts":
self.sname = '♥'
return '♥'
if self.suit == "spades":
self.sname = '♠'
return '♠'
if self.suit == "clubs":
self.sname = '♣'
return '♣'
if self.suit == "diamonds":
self.sname = '♦'
return '♦'

def cardname(self):
return f'{self.sname}{self.vname}{self.sname}'

#All Decks
class Deck:
def __init__(self): = []

def create(self):
for d in range(decks):
for suit in ["hearts", "spades", "clubs", "diamonds"]:
for val in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]:,suit)); d+=1

def shuffle(self):
for _ in range(26):
for index in range(len(,-1,-1):
rindex = randint(0, index)[index],[rindex] =[rindex],[index]

def draw(self):
c1 =
c2 =
c3 =
c4 =
c5 =
return [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]

def ss():
if show_strength: print(f'[{round(strength/10000,6)}]')

#Evaluation Functions
def evalname(x):
if x == 2:
return 'Two'
if x == 3:
return 'Three'
if x == 4:
return 'Four'
if x == 5:
return 'Five'
if x == 6:
return 'Six'
if x == 7:
return 'Seven'
if x == 8:
return 'Eight'
if x == 9:
return 'Nine'
if x == 10:
return 'Ten'
if x == 11:
return 'Jack'
if x == 12:
return 'Queen'
if x == 13:
return 'King'
if x == 14:
return 'Ace'

def hcard(hand):
global strength
strength = 1000 + 10*vsort[0] + vsort[1] + .1*vsort[2] + .01*vsort[3] + .001*vsort[4]
return f'High-Card {evalname(vsort[0])}'

def numpair(hand):
global strength
pairs = list(dict.fromkeys([val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]))
if len(pairs) < 1:
return False
if len(pairs) == 1:
vp = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
strength = 2000 + 10*pairs[0] + vp[0] + .1*vp[1] + .01*vp[2];
return f'Pair of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
if len(pairs) == 2:
vps = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
vps.remove(pairs[0]); vps.remove(pairs[1])
if pairs[0]>pairs[1]:
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[0]) + int(pairs[1])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[0])}s and {evalname(pairs[1])}s'
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[1]) + int(pairs[0])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[1])}s and {evalname(pairs[0])}s'

def detset(hand):
global strength
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if len(detsets) < 1:
return False
vs = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(3):
strength = 4000 + 10*detsets[0] + vs[0] + .1*vs[1]
return f'Set of {evalname(detsets[0])}s'

def straight(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False:
strength = 4999 + min(vset)
straight = f'Straight from {evalname(min(vset))} to {evalname(max(vset))}'
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
strength = 5000
straight = 'Straight from Ace to Five'
straight = False
return straight

def flush(hand):
global strength
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 5:
flush = False
strength = 6000 + 10*values[0] + values[1] + .1*values[2] + .01*values[3] + .001*values[4]
flush = f'{evalname(max(values))}-High flush of {flushes[0]}'
return flush

def fullhouse(hand):
global strength
pairs = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if detset(hand) != False and numpair(hand) != False:
strength = 7000 + 10*detsets[0] + pairs[0]
fh = f'{evalname(detsets[0])}s full of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
fh = False
return fh

def quads(hand):
global strength
quads = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 4]
if len(quads) < 1:
return False
vq = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(4):
strength = 8000 + 10*quads[0] + vq[0]
return f'Quad {evalname(quads[0])}s'

def straightflush(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False and vset != {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "True"
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
straight = 'Wheel'
elif vset == {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "Royal"
straight = 'False'

flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 1:
flush = False
flush = True

if straight == "True" and flush == True:
strength = 8999 + min(vset)
sf = f'{evalname(max(values))}-high straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Wheel" and flush == True:
strength = 9000
sf = f'Five-High straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Royal" and flush == True:
strength = 10000
sf = f'Royal flush of {flushes[0]}'
sf = False
return sf

#Count Hand Occurence
hand_occurence = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
ho_names = ['High Card: ','Pair: ','Two-Pair: ','Three of a Kind: ','Straight: ','Flush: ','Full House: ','Four of a Kind: ','Straight Flush: ','Royal Flush: ']

decks = int(input("How many decks are there? "))
deck = Deck(); deck.shuffle()

hnumber = int(input(f"How many players are there (max {floor((decks*52)/5)})? "))
show_strength = distutils.util.strtobool(input("Would you like to show advanced stats? "))
h_inc = 0; h_strength = {}

while h_inc < hnumber:
print(f"nPlayer {h_inc + 1}'s hand:")
c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 = deck.draw(); hand = c1,c2,c3,c4,c5
values = [hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value]; vset = {hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value}; vsort = sorted(values,reverse=True)
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
c1.valname(c1.value); c2.valname(c2.value); c3.valname(c3.value); c4.valname(c4.value); c5.valname(c5.value);
c1.suitname(c1.suit); c2.suitname(c2.suit); c3.suitname(c3.suit); c4.suitname(c4.suit); c5.suitname(c5.suit);
print(f'| {c1.cardname()} | {c2.cardname()} | {c3.cardname()} | {c4.cardname()} | {c5.cardname()} |')

hcard(hand); numpair(hand); detset(hand); straight(hand); flush(hand); fullhouse(hand); quads(hand); straightflush(hand)
if strength < 2000:
print(hcard(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 3000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 4000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 5000:
print(detset(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 6000:
print(straight(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 7000:
print(flush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 8000:
print(fullhouse(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 9000:
print(quads(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength == 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()

h_strength[h_inc] = strength

h_inc += 1

hss = sorted(h_strength.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
print(f'nnnPlayer {hss[0][0]+1} has the strongest hand! [{round(hss[0][1]/10000,6)}]nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0] + 1} has the weakest hand :( [{round(hss[hnumber-1][1]/10000,6)}]') if show_strength else print(f'nPlayer {hss[0][0] + 1} has the strongest hand!nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0]+1} has the weakest hand :(')
if show_strength:

print('nnnnnHand Occurence:n')
for x in range(10):

print('nnnnnFull Player Ranking:n')
for x in range(len(hss)):
print(f'{x+1}.',f'Player {hss[x][0]+1}',f'[{round(hss[x][1]/10000,6)}]')

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New contributor

zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
    – zach274
    2 hours ago





I'm an absolute python beginner.

I created a draw poker game that works fine up to about ten thousand hands, at which point it starts to freeze and not generate the hands. Given that straight flushes only generate about once per 70 thousand hands (it may be more common bc my program uses multiple decks for the many hands) and royal flushes once per >600k, I'd like to be able to generate more hands. Is there something in my code that's taking up tons of memory or slowing the process down?

Here's my current code:

import copy
import distutils.core
from random import randint
from math import floor

#Individual Cards
class Card:
def __init__ (self,value,suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit
self.vname = ''
self.sname = ''

def valname(self, value):
if self.value == 2:
self.vname = 'Two'
return 'Two'
if self.value == 3:
self.vname = 'Three'
return 'Three'
if self.value == 4:
self.vname = 'Four'
if self.value == 5:
self.vname = 'Five'
if self.value == 6:
self.vname = 'Six'
if self.value == 7:
self.vname = 'Seven'
if self.value == 8:
self.vname = 'Eight'
if self.value == 9:
self.vname = 'Nine'
if self.value == 10:
self.vname = 'Ten'
if self.value == 11:
self.vname = 'Jack'
if self.value == 12:
self.vname = 'Queen'
if self.value == 13:
self.vname = 'King'
if self.value == 14:
self.vname = 'Ace'

def suitname(self, suit):
if self.suit == "hearts":
self.sname = '♥'
return '♥'
if self.suit == "spades":
self.sname = '♠'
return '♠'
if self.suit == "clubs":
self.sname = '♣'
return '♣'
if self.suit == "diamonds":
self.sname = '♦'
return '♦'

def cardname(self):
return f'{self.sname}{self.vname}{self.sname}'

#All Decks
class Deck:
def __init__(self): = []

def create(self):
for d in range(decks):
for suit in ["hearts", "spades", "clubs", "diamonds"]:
for val in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]:,suit)); d+=1

def shuffle(self):
for _ in range(26):
for index in range(len(,-1,-1):
rindex = randint(0, index)[index],[rindex] =[rindex],[index]

def draw(self):
c1 =
c2 =
c3 =
c4 =
c5 =
return [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]

def ss():
if show_strength: print(f'[{round(strength/10000,6)}]')

#Evaluation Functions
def evalname(x):
if x == 2:
return 'Two'
if x == 3:
return 'Three'
if x == 4:
return 'Four'
if x == 5:
return 'Five'
if x == 6:
return 'Six'
if x == 7:
return 'Seven'
if x == 8:
return 'Eight'
if x == 9:
return 'Nine'
if x == 10:
return 'Ten'
if x == 11:
return 'Jack'
if x == 12:
return 'Queen'
if x == 13:
return 'King'
if x == 14:
return 'Ace'

def hcard(hand):
global strength
strength = 1000 + 10*vsort[0] + vsort[1] + .1*vsort[2] + .01*vsort[3] + .001*vsort[4]
return f'High-Card {evalname(vsort[0])}'

def numpair(hand):
global strength
pairs = list(dict.fromkeys([val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]))
if len(pairs) < 1:
return False
if len(pairs) == 1:
vp = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
strength = 2000 + 10*pairs[0] + vp[0] + .1*vp[1] + .01*vp[2];
return f'Pair of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
if len(pairs) == 2:
vps = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
vps.remove(pairs[0]); vps.remove(pairs[1])
if pairs[0]>pairs[1]:
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[0]) + int(pairs[1])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[0])}s and {evalname(pairs[1])}s'
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[1]) + int(pairs[0])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[1])}s and {evalname(pairs[0])}s'

def detset(hand):
global strength
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if len(detsets) < 1:
return False
vs = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(3):
strength = 4000 + 10*detsets[0] + vs[0] + .1*vs[1]
return f'Set of {evalname(detsets[0])}s'

def straight(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False:
strength = 4999 + min(vset)
straight = f'Straight from {evalname(min(vset))} to {evalname(max(vset))}'
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
strength = 5000
straight = 'Straight from Ace to Five'
straight = False
return straight

def flush(hand):
global strength
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 5:
flush = False
strength = 6000 + 10*values[0] + values[1] + .1*values[2] + .01*values[3] + .001*values[4]
flush = f'{evalname(max(values))}-High flush of {flushes[0]}'
return flush

def fullhouse(hand):
global strength
pairs = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if detset(hand) != False and numpair(hand) != False:
strength = 7000 + 10*detsets[0] + pairs[0]
fh = f'{evalname(detsets[0])}s full of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
fh = False
return fh

def quads(hand):
global strength
quads = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 4]
if len(quads) < 1:
return False
vq = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(4):
strength = 8000 + 10*quads[0] + vq[0]
return f'Quad {evalname(quads[0])}s'

def straightflush(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False and vset != {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "True"
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
straight = 'Wheel'
elif vset == {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "Royal"
straight = 'False'

flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 1:
flush = False
flush = True

if straight == "True" and flush == True:
strength = 8999 + min(vset)
sf = f'{evalname(max(values))}-high straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Wheel" and flush == True:
strength = 9000
sf = f'Five-High straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Royal" and flush == True:
strength = 10000
sf = f'Royal flush of {flushes[0]}'
sf = False
return sf

#Count Hand Occurence
hand_occurence = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
ho_names = ['High Card: ','Pair: ','Two-Pair: ','Three of a Kind: ','Straight: ','Flush: ','Full House: ','Four of a Kind: ','Straight Flush: ','Royal Flush: ']

decks = int(input("How many decks are there? "))
deck = Deck(); deck.shuffle()

hnumber = int(input(f"How many players are there (max {floor((decks*52)/5)})? "))
show_strength = distutils.util.strtobool(input("Would you like to show advanced stats? "))
h_inc = 0; h_strength = {}

while h_inc < hnumber:
print(f"nPlayer {h_inc + 1}'s hand:")
c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 = deck.draw(); hand = c1,c2,c3,c4,c5
values = [hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value]; vset = {hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value}; vsort = sorted(values,reverse=True)
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
c1.valname(c1.value); c2.valname(c2.value); c3.valname(c3.value); c4.valname(c4.value); c5.valname(c5.value);
c1.suitname(c1.suit); c2.suitname(c2.suit); c3.suitname(c3.suit); c4.suitname(c4.suit); c5.suitname(c5.suit);
print(f'| {c1.cardname()} | {c2.cardname()} | {c3.cardname()} | {c4.cardname()} | {c5.cardname()} |')

hcard(hand); numpair(hand); detset(hand); straight(hand); flush(hand); fullhouse(hand); quads(hand); straightflush(hand)
if strength < 2000:
print(hcard(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 3000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 4000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 5000:
print(detset(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 6000:
print(straight(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 7000:
print(flush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 8000:
print(fullhouse(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 9000:
print(quads(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength == 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()

h_strength[h_inc] = strength

h_inc += 1

hss = sorted(h_strength.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
print(f'nnnPlayer {hss[0][0]+1} has the strongest hand! [{round(hss[0][1]/10000,6)}]nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0] + 1} has the weakest hand :( [{round(hss[hnumber-1][1]/10000,6)}]') if show_strength else print(f'nPlayer {hss[0][0] + 1} has the strongest hand!nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0]+1} has the weakest hand :(')
if show_strength:

print('nnnnnHand Occurence:n')
for x in range(10):

print('nnnnnFull Player Ranking:n')
for x in range(len(hss)):
print(f'{x+1}.',f'Player {hss[x][0]+1}',f'[{round(hss[x][1]/10000,6)}]')

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I'm an absolute python beginner.

I created a draw poker game that works fine up to about ten thousand hands, at which point it starts to freeze and not generate the hands. Given that straight flushes only generate about once per 70 thousand hands (it may be more common bc my program uses multiple decks for the many hands) and royal flushes once per >600k, I'd like to be able to generate more hands. Is there something in my code that's taking up tons of memory or slowing the process down?

Here's my current code:

import copy
import distutils.core
from random import randint
from math import floor

#Individual Cards
class Card:
def __init__ (self,value,suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit
self.vname = ''
self.sname = ''

def valname(self, value):
if self.value == 2:
self.vname = 'Two'
return 'Two'
if self.value == 3:
self.vname = 'Three'
return 'Three'
if self.value == 4:
self.vname = 'Four'
if self.value == 5:
self.vname = 'Five'
if self.value == 6:
self.vname = 'Six'
if self.value == 7:
self.vname = 'Seven'
if self.value == 8:
self.vname = 'Eight'
if self.value == 9:
self.vname = 'Nine'
if self.value == 10:
self.vname = 'Ten'
if self.value == 11:
self.vname = 'Jack'
if self.value == 12:
self.vname = 'Queen'
if self.value == 13:
self.vname = 'King'
if self.value == 14:
self.vname = 'Ace'

def suitname(self, suit):
if self.suit == "hearts":
self.sname = '♥'
return '♥'
if self.suit == "spades":
self.sname = '♠'
return '♠'
if self.suit == "clubs":
self.sname = '♣'
return '♣'
if self.suit == "diamonds":
self.sname = '♦'
return '♦'

def cardname(self):
return f'{self.sname}{self.vname}{self.sname}'

#All Decks
class Deck:
def __init__(self): = []

def create(self):
for d in range(decks):
for suit in ["hearts", "spades", "clubs", "diamonds"]:
for val in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]:,suit)); d+=1

def shuffle(self):
for _ in range(26):
for index in range(len(,-1,-1):
rindex = randint(0, index)[index],[rindex] =[rindex],[index]

def draw(self):
c1 =
c2 =
c3 =
c4 =
c5 =
return [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5]

def ss():
if show_strength: print(f'[{round(strength/10000,6)}]')

#Evaluation Functions
def evalname(x):
if x == 2:
return 'Two'
if x == 3:
return 'Three'
if x == 4:
return 'Four'
if x == 5:
return 'Five'
if x == 6:
return 'Six'
if x == 7:
return 'Seven'
if x == 8:
return 'Eight'
if x == 9:
return 'Nine'
if x == 10:
return 'Ten'
if x == 11:
return 'Jack'
if x == 12:
return 'Queen'
if x == 13:
return 'King'
if x == 14:
return 'Ace'

def hcard(hand):
global strength
strength = 1000 + 10*vsort[0] + vsort[1] + .1*vsort[2] + .01*vsort[3] + .001*vsort[4]
return f'High-Card {evalname(vsort[0])}'

def numpair(hand):
global strength
pairs = list(dict.fromkeys([val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]))
if len(pairs) < 1:
return False
if len(pairs) == 1:
vp = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
strength = 2000 + 10*pairs[0] + vp[0] + .1*vp[1] + .01*vp[2];
return f'Pair of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
if len(pairs) == 2:
vps = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(2):
vps.remove(pairs[0]); vps.remove(pairs[1])
if pairs[0]>pairs[1]:
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[0]) + int(pairs[1])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[0])}s and {evalname(pairs[1])}s'
strength = (3000 + 10*int(pairs[1]) + int(pairs[0])) + .1*vps[0]
return f'{evalname(pairs[1])}s and {evalname(pairs[0])}s'

def detset(hand):
global strength
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if len(detsets) < 1:
return False
vs = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(3):
strength = 4000 + 10*detsets[0] + vs[0] + .1*vs[1]
return f'Set of {evalname(detsets[0])}s'

def straight(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False:
strength = 4999 + min(vset)
straight = f'Straight from {evalname(min(vset))} to {evalname(max(vset))}'
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
strength = 5000
straight = 'Straight from Ace to Five'
straight = False
return straight

def flush(hand):
global strength
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 5:
flush = False
strength = 6000 + 10*values[0] + values[1] + .1*values[2] + .01*values[3] + .001*values[4]
flush = f'{evalname(max(values))}-High flush of {flushes[0]}'
return flush

def fullhouse(hand):
global strength
pairs = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 2]
detsets = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 3]
if detset(hand) != False and numpair(hand) != False:
strength = 7000 + 10*detsets[0] + pairs[0]
fh = f'{evalname(detsets[0])}s full of {evalname(pairs[0])}s'
fh = False
return fh

def quads(hand):
global strength
quads = [val for val in values if values.count(val) == 4]
if len(quads) < 1:
return False
vq = vsort.copy()
for _ in range(4):
strength = 8000 + 10*quads[0] + vq[0]
return f'Quad {evalname(quads[0])}s'

def straightflush(hand):
global strength
if (max(vset) - min(vset) == 4) and numpair(hand) == False and detset(hand) == False and quads(hand) == False and vset != {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "True"
elif vset == {14,2,3,4,5}:
straight = 'Wheel'
elif vset == {14,13,12,11,10}:
straight = "Royal"
straight = 'False'

flushes = [suit for suit in suits if suits.count(suit) == 5]
if len(flushes) < 1:
flush = False
flush = True

if straight == "True" and flush == True:
strength = 8999 + min(vset)
sf = f'{evalname(max(values))}-high straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Wheel" and flush == True:
strength = 9000
sf = f'Five-High straight flush of {flushes[0]}'
elif straight == "Royal" and flush == True:
strength = 10000
sf = f'Royal flush of {flushes[0]}'
sf = False
return sf

#Count Hand Occurence
hand_occurence = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0}
ho_names = ['High Card: ','Pair: ','Two-Pair: ','Three of a Kind: ','Straight: ','Flush: ','Full House: ','Four of a Kind: ','Straight Flush: ','Royal Flush: ']

decks = int(input("How many decks are there? "))
deck = Deck(); deck.shuffle()

hnumber = int(input(f"How many players are there (max {floor((decks*52)/5)})? "))
show_strength = distutils.util.strtobool(input("Would you like to show advanced stats? "))
h_inc = 0; h_strength = {}

while h_inc < hnumber:
print(f"nPlayer {h_inc + 1}'s hand:")
c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 = deck.draw(); hand = c1,c2,c3,c4,c5
values = [hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value]; vset = {hand[0].value,hand[1].value,hand[2].value,hand[3].value,hand[4].value}; vsort = sorted(values,reverse=True)
suits = [hand[0].suit,hand[1].suit,hand[2].suit,hand[3].suit,hand[4].suit]
c1.valname(c1.value); c2.valname(c2.value); c3.valname(c3.value); c4.valname(c4.value); c5.valname(c5.value);
c1.suitname(c1.suit); c2.suitname(c2.suit); c3.suitname(c3.suit); c4.suitname(c4.suit); c5.suitname(c5.suit);
print(f'| {c1.cardname()} | {c2.cardname()} | {c3.cardname()} | {c4.cardname()} | {c5.cardname()} |')

hcard(hand); numpair(hand); detset(hand); straight(hand); flush(hand); fullhouse(hand); quads(hand); straightflush(hand)
if strength < 2000:
print(hcard(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 3000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 4000:
print(numpair(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 5000:
print(detset(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 6000:
print(straight(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 7000:
print(flush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 8000:
print(fullhouse(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 9000:
print(quads(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength < 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()
elif strength == 10000:
print(straightflush(hand),end=" "); ss()

h_strength[h_inc] = strength

h_inc += 1

hss = sorted(h_strength.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
print(f'nnnPlayer {hss[0][0]+1} has the strongest hand! [{round(hss[0][1]/10000,6)}]nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0] + 1} has the weakest hand :( [{round(hss[hnumber-1][1]/10000,6)}]') if show_strength else print(f'nPlayer {hss[0][0] + 1} has the strongest hand!nPlayer {hss[hnumber-1][0]+1} has the weakest hand :(')
if show_strength:

print('nnnnnHand Occurence:n')
for x in range(10):

print('nnnnnFull Player Ranking:n')
for x in range(len(hss)):
print(f'{x+1}.',f'Player {hss[x][0]+1}',f'[{round(hss[x][1]/10000,6)}]')

python python-3.x

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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 3 hours ago




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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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zach274 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • $begingroup$
    Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
    – zach274
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
    – zach274
    2 hours ago

Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
– zach274
2 hours ago

Not sure if I used the word 'draw poker' correctly. This is just a 5-card showdown using holdem hand ranking rules
– zach274
2 hours ago

1 Answer






First, some style-issues. Python has an official style-guide, PEP8. It recommends not putting multiple commands on the same line. In addition trailing ; are superfluous.

Now, let's look at the needed structure. You need a Card that contains all information about that card and a Hand which can evaluate a list of cards with respect to the poker rules. You don't actually need a Deck if you just have a list of all cards in the deck and then do random.sample(cards, n_players*5) to get the hands for all players, which you can then distribute to the players.

So, let's have a look at Card first, since you already do have this class. Your valname method is very inefficient. First, it could be that it is called multiple times (this does not seem to be the case). But you also have a chain of ifs, however only ever one of them can be true, so use elif instead. Otherwise all conditions will need to be checked, instead of only all conditions until the first true one.

But even easier here is to use a simple tuple:

class Card:
value_names = ("Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace")
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value_names[self.value - 1]} of {self.suit}"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value

The __str__ method is a magic method that will be called when you do print(card) and __repr__ will be called when typing card in an interactive session. The __lt__ and __eq__ allow cards to be compared by their value, which is used for example by sorted when we have an iterable of cards.

If you want the fancy unicode names for the suits, just use that when constructing the cards:

from itertools import product

deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]

Now let's get to the meat of the problem, evaluating poker hands, which should be the responsibility of the Hands class:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, chain

def difference(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
item = next(b)
except StopIteration:
return iter([])
return chain([item], map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], zip(a, b)))

class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards): = sorted(cards)
self.values = [card.value for card in]
self.values_counter = Counter(card.value for card in
self.suits = [card.suit for card in]
self.low_card, self.high_card = self.values[0], self.values[-1]

def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join(repr(card) for card in

def flush(self):
return len(set(self.suits)) == 1

def straight(self):
diffs = sorted(list(difference(self.values))[1:])
return diffs in ([1, 1, 1, 1], [-12, 1, 1, 1])

def fullhouse(self):
candidate = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return candidate[0][1] == 3 and candidate[1][1] == 2

def evaluate(self):
# flush/straight flush/royal flush
if self.flush():
if self.straight():
# royal flush
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 10:
return "Royal Flush", 10000
# straight flush
return "Straight Flush", 8999 + self.low_card
# flush
return "Flush", 6000 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([1, -1, -2, -3], self.values))
# straight
elif self.straight():
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 2:
return "Straight", 5000
return "Straight", 4999 + self.low_card
# fullhouse
elif self.fullhouse():
triple, pair = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return "Full House", 7000 + 10 * triple[0] + pair[0]
# two pair
candidate1, candidate2, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate1[1] == candidate2[1] == 2:
c0, c1 = sorted([candidate1[0], candidate2[0]])
return "Two Pairs", 3000 + 10* c0 + c1 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([-1, -2], rest))
# quad
candidate, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate[1] == 4:
return "Quad", 8000 + 10 * candidate[0] + rest[0]
# triple
elif candidate[1] == 3:
return "Triple", 4000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1]
# pair
elif candidate[1] == 2:
return "Pair", 2000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1] + .01*rest[2]
# highcard
return "High Card", self.high_card

The difference function is taken from the more_itertools package.
A collections.Counter object is exactly what it says. If you pass it an iterable it will count how often each object appears and it has some nice methods like most_common which returns tuples of element, count, sorted decreasingly by count.

Now that we have that the main loop becomes quite a bit easier:

from itertools import zip_longest, islice, product
from random import sample

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

if __name__ == "__main__":
deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]
rounds = int(input("How many rounds? "))
players = int(input("How many players (max 10)? "))
show_strength = input("Show result each round? ").lower()[0] == "y"
assert players <= 10
hand_occurrence = Counter()

for _ in range(rounds):
hands = [Hand(cards) for cards in grouper(sample(deck, players * 5), 5)]
evaluated_hands = [hand.evaluate() for hand in hands]
hand_occurrence += Counter(hand[0] for hand in evaluated_hands)
if show_strength:
strongest = max(evaluated_hands, key=lambda hand: hand[1])
print("Strongest hand:",
print("Statistics:", strongest) hand_occurrence.most_common())

The grouper function which I used to split the hands into groups of 5 cards each is from the itertools recipes.

I did not bother to use nicer user input functions here, but there are plenty examples on this site on how to do it more foolproof (and keep on asking if the supplied input is somehow wrong).

This code takes about 3.14 s ± 82 ms for 10,000 rounds and about 34.4 s ± 483 ms for 100,000 rounds on my machine, without printing the results from each round.

share|improve this answer


  • 1

    Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
    – Ludisposed
    3 mins ago

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1 Answer




1 Answer












First, some style-issues. Python has an official style-guide, PEP8. It recommends not putting multiple commands on the same line. In addition trailing ; are superfluous.

Now, let's look at the needed structure. You need a Card that contains all information about that card and a Hand which can evaluate a list of cards with respect to the poker rules. You don't actually need a Deck if you just have a list of all cards in the deck and then do random.sample(cards, n_players*5) to get the hands for all players, which you can then distribute to the players.

So, let's have a look at Card first, since you already do have this class. Your valname method is very inefficient. First, it could be that it is called multiple times (this does not seem to be the case). But you also have a chain of ifs, however only ever one of them can be true, so use elif instead. Otherwise all conditions will need to be checked, instead of only all conditions until the first true one.

But even easier here is to use a simple tuple:

class Card:
value_names = ("Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace")
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value_names[self.value - 1]} of {self.suit}"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value

The __str__ method is a magic method that will be called when you do print(card) and __repr__ will be called when typing card in an interactive session. The __lt__ and __eq__ allow cards to be compared by their value, which is used for example by sorted when we have an iterable of cards.

If you want the fancy unicode names for the suits, just use that when constructing the cards:

from itertools import product

deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]

Now let's get to the meat of the problem, evaluating poker hands, which should be the responsibility of the Hands class:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, chain

def difference(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
item = next(b)
except StopIteration:
return iter([])
return chain([item], map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], zip(a, b)))

class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards): = sorted(cards)
self.values = [card.value for card in]
self.values_counter = Counter(card.value for card in
self.suits = [card.suit for card in]
self.low_card, self.high_card = self.values[0], self.values[-1]

def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join(repr(card) for card in

def flush(self):
return len(set(self.suits)) == 1

def straight(self):
diffs = sorted(list(difference(self.values))[1:])
return diffs in ([1, 1, 1, 1], [-12, 1, 1, 1])

def fullhouse(self):
candidate = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return candidate[0][1] == 3 and candidate[1][1] == 2

def evaluate(self):
# flush/straight flush/royal flush
if self.flush():
if self.straight():
# royal flush
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 10:
return "Royal Flush", 10000
# straight flush
return "Straight Flush", 8999 + self.low_card
# flush
return "Flush", 6000 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([1, -1, -2, -3], self.values))
# straight
elif self.straight():
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 2:
return "Straight", 5000
return "Straight", 4999 + self.low_card
# fullhouse
elif self.fullhouse():
triple, pair = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return "Full House", 7000 + 10 * triple[0] + pair[0]
# two pair
candidate1, candidate2, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate1[1] == candidate2[1] == 2:
c0, c1 = sorted([candidate1[0], candidate2[0]])
return "Two Pairs", 3000 + 10* c0 + c1 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([-1, -2], rest))
# quad
candidate, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate[1] == 4:
return "Quad", 8000 + 10 * candidate[0] + rest[0]
# triple
elif candidate[1] == 3:
return "Triple", 4000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1]
# pair
elif candidate[1] == 2:
return "Pair", 2000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1] + .01*rest[2]
# highcard
return "High Card", self.high_card

The difference function is taken from the more_itertools package.
A collections.Counter object is exactly what it says. If you pass it an iterable it will count how often each object appears and it has some nice methods like most_common which returns tuples of element, count, sorted decreasingly by count.

Now that we have that the main loop becomes quite a bit easier:

from itertools import zip_longest, islice, product
from random import sample

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

if __name__ == "__main__":
deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]
rounds = int(input("How many rounds? "))
players = int(input("How many players (max 10)? "))
show_strength = input("Show result each round? ").lower()[0] == "y"
assert players <= 10
hand_occurrence = Counter()

for _ in range(rounds):
hands = [Hand(cards) for cards in grouper(sample(deck, players * 5), 5)]
evaluated_hands = [hand.evaluate() for hand in hands]
hand_occurrence += Counter(hand[0] for hand in evaluated_hands)
if show_strength:
strongest = max(evaluated_hands, key=lambda hand: hand[1])
print("Strongest hand:",
print("Statistics:", strongest) hand_occurrence.most_common())

The grouper function which I used to split the hands into groups of 5 cards each is from the itertools recipes.

I did not bother to use nicer user input functions here, but there are plenty examples on this site on how to do it more foolproof (and keep on asking if the supplied input is somehow wrong).

This code takes about 3.14 s ± 82 ms for 10,000 rounds and about 34.4 s ± 483 ms for 100,000 rounds on my machine, without printing the results from each round.

share|improve this answer


  • 1

    Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
    – Ludisposed
    3 mins ago



First, some style-issues. Python has an official style-guide, PEP8. It recommends not putting multiple commands on the same line. In addition trailing ; are superfluous.

Now, let's look at the needed structure. You need a Card that contains all information about that card and a Hand which can evaluate a list of cards with respect to the poker rules. You don't actually need a Deck if you just have a list of all cards in the deck and then do random.sample(cards, n_players*5) to get the hands for all players, which you can then distribute to the players.

So, let's have a look at Card first, since you already do have this class. Your valname method is very inefficient. First, it could be that it is called multiple times (this does not seem to be the case). But you also have a chain of ifs, however only ever one of them can be true, so use elif instead. Otherwise all conditions will need to be checked, instead of only all conditions until the first true one.

But even easier here is to use a simple tuple:

class Card:
value_names = ("Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace")
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value_names[self.value - 1]} of {self.suit}"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value

The __str__ method is a magic method that will be called when you do print(card) and __repr__ will be called when typing card in an interactive session. The __lt__ and __eq__ allow cards to be compared by their value, which is used for example by sorted when we have an iterable of cards.

If you want the fancy unicode names for the suits, just use that when constructing the cards:

from itertools import product

deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]

Now let's get to the meat of the problem, evaluating poker hands, which should be the responsibility of the Hands class:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, chain

def difference(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
item = next(b)
except StopIteration:
return iter([])
return chain([item], map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], zip(a, b)))

class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards): = sorted(cards)
self.values = [card.value for card in]
self.values_counter = Counter(card.value for card in
self.suits = [card.suit for card in]
self.low_card, self.high_card = self.values[0], self.values[-1]

def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join(repr(card) for card in

def flush(self):
return len(set(self.suits)) == 1

def straight(self):
diffs = sorted(list(difference(self.values))[1:])
return diffs in ([1, 1, 1, 1], [-12, 1, 1, 1])

def fullhouse(self):
candidate = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return candidate[0][1] == 3 and candidate[1][1] == 2

def evaluate(self):
# flush/straight flush/royal flush
if self.flush():
if self.straight():
# royal flush
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 10:
return "Royal Flush", 10000
# straight flush
return "Straight Flush", 8999 + self.low_card
# flush
return "Flush", 6000 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([1, -1, -2, -3], self.values))
# straight
elif self.straight():
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 2:
return "Straight", 5000
return "Straight", 4999 + self.low_card
# fullhouse
elif self.fullhouse():
triple, pair = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return "Full House", 7000 + 10 * triple[0] + pair[0]
# two pair
candidate1, candidate2, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate1[1] == candidate2[1] == 2:
c0, c1 = sorted([candidate1[0], candidate2[0]])
return "Two Pairs", 3000 + 10* c0 + c1 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([-1, -2], rest))
# quad
candidate, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate[1] == 4:
return "Quad", 8000 + 10 * candidate[0] + rest[0]
# triple
elif candidate[1] == 3:
return "Triple", 4000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1]
# pair
elif candidate[1] == 2:
return "Pair", 2000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1] + .01*rest[2]
# highcard
return "High Card", self.high_card

The difference function is taken from the more_itertools package.
A collections.Counter object is exactly what it says. If you pass it an iterable it will count how often each object appears and it has some nice methods like most_common which returns tuples of element, count, sorted decreasingly by count.

Now that we have that the main loop becomes quite a bit easier:

from itertools import zip_longest, islice, product
from random import sample

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

if __name__ == "__main__":
deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]
rounds = int(input("How many rounds? "))
players = int(input("How many players (max 10)? "))
show_strength = input("Show result each round? ").lower()[0] == "y"
assert players <= 10
hand_occurrence = Counter()

for _ in range(rounds):
hands = [Hand(cards) for cards in grouper(sample(deck, players * 5), 5)]
evaluated_hands = [hand.evaluate() for hand in hands]
hand_occurrence += Counter(hand[0] for hand in evaluated_hands)
if show_strength:
strongest = max(evaluated_hands, key=lambda hand: hand[1])
print("Strongest hand:",
print("Statistics:", strongest) hand_occurrence.most_common())

The grouper function which I used to split the hands into groups of 5 cards each is from the itertools recipes.

I did not bother to use nicer user input functions here, but there are plenty examples on this site on how to do it more foolproof (and keep on asking if the supplied input is somehow wrong).

This code takes about 3.14 s ± 82 ms for 10,000 rounds and about 34.4 s ± 483 ms for 100,000 rounds on my machine, without printing the results from each round.

share|improve this answer


  • 1

    Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
    – Ludisposed
    3 mins ago





First, some style-issues. Python has an official style-guide, PEP8. It recommends not putting multiple commands on the same line. In addition trailing ; are superfluous.

Now, let's look at the needed structure. You need a Card that contains all information about that card and a Hand which can evaluate a list of cards with respect to the poker rules. You don't actually need a Deck if you just have a list of all cards in the deck and then do random.sample(cards, n_players*5) to get the hands for all players, which you can then distribute to the players.

So, let's have a look at Card first, since you already do have this class. Your valname method is very inefficient. First, it could be that it is called multiple times (this does not seem to be the case). But you also have a chain of ifs, however only ever one of them can be true, so use elif instead. Otherwise all conditions will need to be checked, instead of only all conditions until the first true one.

But even easier here is to use a simple tuple:

class Card:
value_names = ("Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace")
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value_names[self.value - 1]} of {self.suit}"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value

The __str__ method is a magic method that will be called when you do print(card) and __repr__ will be called when typing card in an interactive session. The __lt__ and __eq__ allow cards to be compared by their value, which is used for example by sorted when we have an iterable of cards.

If you want the fancy unicode names for the suits, just use that when constructing the cards:

from itertools import product

deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]

Now let's get to the meat of the problem, evaluating poker hands, which should be the responsibility of the Hands class:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, chain

def difference(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
item = next(b)
except StopIteration:
return iter([])
return chain([item], map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], zip(a, b)))

class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards): = sorted(cards)
self.values = [card.value for card in]
self.values_counter = Counter(card.value for card in
self.suits = [card.suit for card in]
self.low_card, self.high_card = self.values[0], self.values[-1]

def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join(repr(card) for card in

def flush(self):
return len(set(self.suits)) == 1

def straight(self):
diffs = sorted(list(difference(self.values))[1:])
return diffs in ([1, 1, 1, 1], [-12, 1, 1, 1])

def fullhouse(self):
candidate = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return candidate[0][1] == 3 and candidate[1][1] == 2

def evaluate(self):
# flush/straight flush/royal flush
if self.flush():
if self.straight():
# royal flush
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 10:
return "Royal Flush", 10000
# straight flush
return "Straight Flush", 8999 + self.low_card
# flush
return "Flush", 6000 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([1, -1, -2, -3], self.values))
# straight
elif self.straight():
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 2:
return "Straight", 5000
return "Straight", 4999 + self.low_card
# fullhouse
elif self.fullhouse():
triple, pair = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return "Full House", 7000 + 10 * triple[0] + pair[0]
# two pair
candidate1, candidate2, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate1[1] == candidate2[1] == 2:
c0, c1 = sorted([candidate1[0], candidate2[0]])
return "Two Pairs", 3000 + 10* c0 + c1 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([-1, -2], rest))
# quad
candidate, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate[1] == 4:
return "Quad", 8000 + 10 * candidate[0] + rest[0]
# triple
elif candidate[1] == 3:
return "Triple", 4000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1]
# pair
elif candidate[1] == 2:
return "Pair", 2000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1] + .01*rest[2]
# highcard
return "High Card", self.high_card

The difference function is taken from the more_itertools package.
A collections.Counter object is exactly what it says. If you pass it an iterable it will count how often each object appears and it has some nice methods like most_common which returns tuples of element, count, sorted decreasingly by count.

Now that we have that the main loop becomes quite a bit easier:

from itertools import zip_longest, islice, product
from random import sample

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

if __name__ == "__main__":
deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]
rounds = int(input("How many rounds? "))
players = int(input("How many players (max 10)? "))
show_strength = input("Show result each round? ").lower()[0] == "y"
assert players <= 10
hand_occurrence = Counter()

for _ in range(rounds):
hands = [Hand(cards) for cards in grouper(sample(deck, players * 5), 5)]
evaluated_hands = [hand.evaluate() for hand in hands]
hand_occurrence += Counter(hand[0] for hand in evaluated_hands)
if show_strength:
strongest = max(evaluated_hands, key=lambda hand: hand[1])
print("Strongest hand:",
print("Statistics:", strongest) hand_occurrence.most_common())

The grouper function which I used to split the hands into groups of 5 cards each is from the itertools recipes.

I did not bother to use nicer user input functions here, but there are plenty examples on this site on how to do it more foolproof (and keep on asking if the supplied input is somehow wrong).

This code takes about 3.14 s ± 82 ms for 10,000 rounds and about 34.4 s ± 483 ms for 100,000 rounds on my machine, without printing the results from each round.

share|improve this answer


First, some style-issues. Python has an official style-guide, PEP8. It recommends not putting multiple commands on the same line. In addition trailing ; are superfluous.

Now, let's look at the needed structure. You need a Card that contains all information about that card and a Hand which can evaluate a list of cards with respect to the poker rules. You don't actually need a Deck if you just have a list of all cards in the deck and then do random.sample(cards, n_players*5) to get the hands for all players, which you can then distribute to the players.

So, let's have a look at Card first, since you already do have this class. Your valname method is very inefficient. First, it could be that it is called multiple times (this does not seem to be the case). But you also have a chain of ifs, however only ever one of them can be true, so use elif instead. Otherwise all conditions will need to be checked, instead of only all conditions until the first true one.

But even easier here is to use a simple tuple:

class Card:
value_names = ("Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace")
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value_names[self.value - 1]} of {self.suit}"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.suit} {self.value}"

def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value

The __str__ method is a magic method that will be called when you do print(card) and __repr__ will be called when typing card in an interactive session. The __lt__ and __eq__ allow cards to be compared by their value, which is used for example by sorted when we have an iterable of cards.

If you want the fancy unicode names for the suits, just use that when constructing the cards:

from itertools import product

deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]

Now let's get to the meat of the problem, evaluating poker hands, which should be the responsibility of the Hands class:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, chain

def difference(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
item = next(b)
except StopIteration:
return iter([])
return chain([item], map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], zip(a, b)))

class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards): = sorted(cards)
self.values = [card.value for card in]
self.values_counter = Counter(card.value for card in
self.suits = [card.suit for card in]
self.low_card, self.high_card = self.values[0], self.values[-1]

def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join(repr(card) for card in

def flush(self):
return len(set(self.suits)) == 1

def straight(self):
diffs = sorted(list(difference(self.values))[1:])
return diffs in ([1, 1, 1, 1], [-12, 1, 1, 1])

def fullhouse(self):
candidate = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return candidate[0][1] == 3 and candidate[1][1] == 2

def evaluate(self):
# flush/straight flush/royal flush
if self.flush():
if self.straight():
# royal flush
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 10:
return "Royal Flush", 10000
# straight flush
return "Straight Flush", 8999 + self.low_card
# flush
return "Flush", 6000 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([1, -1, -2, -3], self.values))
# straight
elif self.straight():
if self.high_card == 14 and self.low_card == 2:
return "Straight", 5000
return "Straight", 4999 + self.low_card
# fullhouse
elif self.fullhouse():
triple, pair = self.values_counter.most_common(2)
return "Full House", 7000 + 10 * triple[0] + pair[0]
# two pair
candidate1, candidate2, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate1[1] == candidate2[1] == 2:
c0, c1 = sorted([candidate1[0], candidate2[0]])
return "Two Pairs", 3000 + 10* c0 + c1 + sum(10**k * x
for k, x in zip([-1, -2], rest))
# quad
candidate, *rest = self.values_counter.most_common()
rest = sorted(r[0] for r in rest)
if candidate[1] == 4:
return "Quad", 8000 + 10 * candidate[0] + rest[0]
# triple
elif candidate[1] == 3:
return "Triple", 4000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1]
# pair
elif candidate[1] == 2:
return "Pair", 2000 + 10*candidate[0] + rest[0] + .1*rest[1] + .01*rest[2]
# highcard
return "High Card", self.high_card

The difference function is taken from the more_itertools package.
A collections.Counter object is exactly what it says. If you pass it an iterable it will count how often each object appears and it has some nice methods like most_common which returns tuples of element, count, sorted decreasingly by count.

Now that we have that the main loop becomes quite a bit easier:

from itertools import zip_longest, islice, product
from random import sample

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

if __name__ == "__main__":
deck = [Card(value, suit) for value, suit in product(range(2, 15), "♥♠♣♦")]
rounds = int(input("How many rounds? "))
players = int(input("How many players (max 10)? "))
show_strength = input("Show result each round? ").lower()[0] == "y"
assert players <= 10
hand_occurrence = Counter()

for _ in range(rounds):
hands = [Hand(cards) for cards in grouper(sample(deck, players * 5), 5)]
evaluated_hands = [hand.evaluate() for hand in hands]
hand_occurrence += Counter(hand[0] for hand in evaluated_hands)
if show_strength:
strongest = max(evaluated_hands, key=lambda hand: hand[1])
print("Strongest hand:",
print("Statistics:", strongest) hand_occurrence.most_common())

The grouper function which I used to split the hands into groups of 5 cards each is from the itertools recipes.

I did not bother to use nicer user input functions here, but there are plenty examples on this site on how to do it more foolproof (and keep on asking if the supplied input is somehow wrong).

This code takes about 3.14 s ± 82 ms for 10,000 rounds and about 34.4 s ± 483 ms for 100,000 rounds on my machine, without printing the results from each round.

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edited 38 mins ago

answered 51 mins ago




  • 1

    Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
    – Ludisposed
    3 mins ago

  • 1

    Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
    – Ludisposed
    3 mins ago



Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
– Ludisposed
3 mins ago

Much better!, I may add that those strengths are still magic numbers. Maybe add them as an Enum...
– Ludisposed
3 mins ago

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